?Will I be able to change the narrative

One of the things that I've been convinced with my whole life is the lonely narrative that I unconsciously created about myself. I started to notice so after one of my supervision sessions, when a certain old memory came to mind after watching a certain movie. My supervisor pointed out that the theme of the movie was about exclusion, and so was my life, as I thought.

Since my very early childhood I've been excluded from dance choreographies in school. I've been excluded from some friends' groups, and even some family situations even if trivial, still I was mostly the one that suffered exclusion.

This didn't end in childhood, it continued in almost every phase in my life. And even if nothing is actually happening, the thought is still there. The feelings of sadness and loneliness keep showing up from nowhere, in each and every life situation.

I don't know whether I'll be able to change this narrative one day, but perhaps I'll try, because I'm tired of being excluded. I'm tired of recalling painful memories and feelings whenever something happens, even if minor..


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